POOLOURI adică Paranoia Schwartz (XXXIV) De Gheorghe Schwartz
Tradus de / Translated by Eugen / Eugene MATZOTA
▲▲▲ ALTCULTURE MAGAZINE ● 80 ● 4/2024 ▲▲▲

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Asociația ECOULTOUR – OAMENI, FAPTE, IDEI – RO46INGB0000999911598179, ING Bank, RO21BTRLRONCRT0287053901, Banca Transilvania

Tainele carismei

„Respectul nu suportă apropierea, ci se ține mai totdeauna departe¸ pentru că, în prezența celui respectat, el se topește ca untul la soare” – Schopenhauer, Par., 2, 242.
POOLOURI adică Paranoia Schwartz (XXXIV) De Gheorghe Schwartz
Tradus de / Translated by Eugen / Eugene MATZOTA
▲▲▲ ALTCULTURE MAGAZINE ● 80 ● 4/2024 ▲▲▲
POOLOURI adică Paranoia Schwartz (XXXIV) De Gheorghe Schwartz
Tradus de / Translated by Eugen / Eugene MATZOTA
▲▲▲ ALTCULTURE MAGAZINE ● 80 ● 4/2024 ▲▲▲


“Nu-i niciodată prea târziu ca să te îndrepți.” – Hieronymus, Epist., 107, 3.
POOLOURI adică Paranoia Schwartz (XXXIV) De Gheorghe Schwartz
Tradus de / Translated by Eugen / Eugene MATZOTA
▲▲▲ ALTCULTURE MAGAZINE ● 80 ● 4/2024 ▲▲▲
POOLOURI adică Paranoia Schwartz (XXXIV) De Gheorghe Schwartz
Tradus de / Translated by Eugen / Eugene MATZOTA
▲▲▲ ALTCULTURE MAGAZINE ● 80 ● 4/2024 ▲▲▲

POOLOs namely Schwartz Paranoia
the most important parables of the life full of learning and boldness of the pre-eminent and pre-enlightened Gough, as well as of his no less brilliant contemporary Finch, with details on how the sages of yesterday, of the other day and always knew how to reflect these events in their maxims and thoughts. And that’s not all yet…

The Mysteries of Charisma

„Respect does not bear approach but is always kept away¸ because in the presence of the respected it melts like butter in the sun” – Schopenhauer, Par., 2, 242.
POOLOURI adică Paranoia Schwartz (XXXIV) De Gheorghe Schwartz
Tradus de / Translated by Eugen / Eugene MATZOTA
▲▲▲ ALTCULTURE MAGAZINE ● 80 ● 4/2024 ▲▲▲
POOLOURI adică Paranoia Schwartz (XXXIV) De Gheorghe Schwartz
Tradus de / Translated by Eugen / Eugene MATZOTA
▲▲▲ ALTCULTURE MAGAZINE ● 80 ● 4/2024 ▲▲▲

The Recalcitrant

„It’s never too late for you to straighten up.” Hieronymus, Epist., 107, 3.
POOLOURI adică Paranoia Schwartz (XXXIV) De Gheorghe Schwartz
Tradus de / Translated by Eugen / Eugene MATZOTA
▲▲▲ ALTCULTURE MAGAZINE ● 80 ● 4/2024 ▲▲▲



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