ALTculture 04/2020 – With very Little or no help Forthcoming from Governments, how remote areas, Tribal Hamlets and hill Districts Around the World are Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic

ALTculture 04/2020 – With very Little or no help Forthcoming from Governments, how remote areas, Tribal Hamlets and hill Districts Around the World are Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic

ALTculture 04/2020 - With very Little or no help Forthcoming from Governments, how remote areas, Tribal Hamlets and hill Districts Around the World are Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic By Nikolin Svetlana While the whole world is battling against coronavirus pandemic, the tribes around the world are having hard times without any proper and continuous help. Coronavirus has made inroads in many tribal areas around the globe taking them almost totally unprepared.